​​In the context of the globalization processes, the compilation of National Accounts, Financial Accounts, and Balance of Payments statistics as well as various satellite accounts has become particularly demanding, and requires better cooperation between different data producers within the National Statistical System of Israel, in particular with the Bank of Israel and the Ministry of Finance. 

The expected results of component A are:

  • ​​An improved structure of government finance accounts, including a cross-classification by sub-sectors and government functions.

  • Transfer of EU experience on inter-institutional arrangements between National Statistics Offices and Ministries of Finance with regard     to cooperation and data exchange.

  • A detailed work plan for the development of financial accounts according to the United Nations' manual "System of National     Accounts" (SNA2008).

  • A detailed plan for the development of financial accounts in the Balance of Payments statistics (with emphasis on direct investments).

  • ​Indicators on the provision of welfare services as well as the structure of a satellite account on welfare.

  • ​​ A structure for environmental satellite accounts for waste and air.