The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) currently operates according to government decisions regarding emergency regulations.

The CBS is making its best efforts to continue collecting, processing and publishing important and up-to-date economic and social data.

Due to the working procedures of the CBS, it may take some time for the initial effects of the crisis to be reflected in the current time series, and the quality of the data may be comprised to some extent.

Due to the current situation, The CBS is conducting new surveys and will continue doing so as required, in coordination with other professional institutions, The CBS will assist, as far as possible, the analysis of findings of surveys performed by other institutions.

At this time of health concerns, the importance of CBS data for decision making is enormous. The data is used for both real-time policy planning and for monitoring of its results.

How does the crisis affect data collection?

The CBS continues to mine information from the available administrative data.

Surveys conducted via the Internet and by telephone interviews, such as business and households surveys continue as planned  However, the  face-to-face interviews usually conducted in household surveys have been replaced by telephone interviews.


Have there been changes in CBS operations as a result of the crisis?

There may be changes in the Release Calendar 

Also, the crisis might affect current data published by the CBS.