Wages and Employment Monthly Statistics, November 2024 | | | | GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0c | CBS Site > Publications > Wages and Employment Monthly Statistics, November 2024
שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום
קישור לדף המקורי בלמס | 2024-10-31T22:00:00Z | 2025-02-04T09:34:13Z | 2025-02-03T22:00:00Z | | |
Labour Force Survey Monthly, December 2024 | <div class="ms-rtedir" dir="ltr"><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">
</font><p><span dir="LTR">The Labour Force Survey is a major survey conducted
by the Central Bureau of Statistics among households. The survey follows the
development of the labour force in Israel, its size and characteristics, as
well as the extent of unemployment and other trends. The survey data contains
detailed information on characteristics of the Israeli labour force, age, years
of schooling, type of school last attended, data on immigrants of 1990 and
later, etc. It is also a means of collecting statistical data on living conditions,
mobility in employment, and many other topics. The monthly publication includes
70 tables and is divided into 3 chapters: characteristics of the labour force;
employed persons; and unemployed persons. It is published toward the end of
each month and contains data for the previous month.</span></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">
</font><p>For more depth, see Definitions and
Explanations (Metadata webpage) on the topic of <a href="/en/subjects/Pages/simsEx.aspx?url=https%3a//boardsgenerator.cbs.gov.il/Pages/ESMSmetadata/Descriptions.aspx?pirsum=1&subject=e8cbe37b-9854-4874-8d11-a564beb678fb&sims=&l=English&format=json&flat=false">Labour Force Survey</a>.</p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">
</font></div> | | | | CBS Site > Publications > Labour Force Survey Monthly, December 2024
שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום
קישור לדף המקורי בלמס The Labour Force Survey is a major | 2024-11-30T22:00:00Z | 2025-02-03T07:43:35Z | 2025-02-02T22:00:00Z | | |
Income of Persons Aged 15 and Over – Data From the Household Expenditure Survey 2022 | <div dir="ltr" style="text-align:left;"><br> </div><p dir="ltr" style="text-align:left;">This publication presents income data from the 2022 Household Expenditure Survey. The data on income have been collected at the Central Bureau of Statistics on a regular basis since 1965. Data are collected in order to provide information on the changes that have occurred in income from work and from other sources among individuals aged 15 and over, working and not working, as well as information on the distribution of income in the economy.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align:left;">The publication presents updated data on the income of individuals aged 15 and over, by employment status. The tables present breakdowns by sex and by average and median income, and specify occupation, industry, and additional demographic variables.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align:left;">The need to publish data for different breakdowns stemmed from the cumulative experience of experts and researchers in the field. Moreover, various parties who use the income data requested a breakdown of all sources of individual income in order to better understand the distribution of income of persons aged 15 and over in Israel.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align:left;">Several units at the Central Bureau of Statistics took part in designing and conducting the survey. The staff of the Senior Department of Surveys gathered the data from the households. The staff of the Senior Department of Statistical Methodology determined the samples and the weighting methods. The staff of the Senior Sector of Consumption and Finance organized, processed, and calculated the data, and with the help of the Publications Department staff, prepared them for publication.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align:left;">As of 2019, the survey's income data have been combined with administrative data that complete the picture on the income of households.</p> | | | GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0c | CBS Site > Publications > Income of Persons Aged 15 and Over – Data From the Household Expenditure Survey 2022
שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום
קישור לדף המקורי | 2021-12-31T22:00:00Z | 2025-01-30T10:44:22Z | 2025-01-25T22:00:00Z | | |
Tourism and Hotel Services Statistics - Quarterly 4 2024 | | | | GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0c | CBS Site > Publications > Tourism and Hotel Services Statistics - Quarterly 4 2024
שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום
קישור לדף המקורי בלמס | 2024-09-30T21:00:00Z | 2025-01-26T13:31:06Z | 2025-01-25T22:00:00Z | | |
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics - January 2025 | <div class="ms-rtedir" dir="ltr"><p>This monthly publication presents data on a variety of topics: Climate<span lang="HE" dir="RTL">;</span><span lang="HE"> </span>Population; Health; Tourism and Accommodation Services; Immigration and International Migration; National Accounts; Balance of Payments; Foreign Trade; Financial and Capital Markets; Prices; Labour Market; Agriculture; Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying; Construction; Housing and Real Estate; Business; Transport and Road Safety; Crime and Justice. Most of the series in the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics present monthly data. Quarterly data are presented in some of the series, for which the CBS does not have monthly data.</p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;outline:0px;border:0px currentcolor;text-transform:none;text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;word-spacing:0px;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:normal;orphans:2;widows:2;background-color:#eef9e8;text-decoration-style:initial;text-decoration-color:initial;"></font><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;outline:0px;border:0px currentcolor;text-transform:none;text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;word-spacing:0px;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:normal;orphans:2;widows:2;background-color:#eef9e8;text-decoration-style:initial;text-decoration-color:initial;"></font><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;outline:0px;border:0px currentcolor;text-transform:none;text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;word-spacing:0px;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:normal;orphans:2;widows:2;background-color:#eef9e8;text-decoration-style:initial;text-decoration-color:initial;"></font><p><strong>As of the September 2024 Monthly, a new table was added to Chapter E (Immigration and International Migration):</strong></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;outline:0px;border:0px currentcolor;text-transform:none;text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;font-style:normal;word-spacing:0px;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:normal;orphans:2;widows:2;background-color:#eef9e8;text-decoration-style:initial;text-decoration-color:initial;"></font><p>Table 4, entitled Long-term Israeli Emigrants, Israelis Returning After Long-Term Emigration, and International Migration Balance.</p></div> | | | GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0c | CBS Site > Publications > Monthly Bulletin of Statistics - January 2025
שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום
קישור לדף המקורי בלמס Most of the series in the Monthly | 2024-12-31T22:00:00Z | 2025-02-04T09:13:10Z | 2025-01-20T22:00:00Z | | |
Producer Price Indices for Services (SPPI) - December 2024 | <p>Price Statistics Monthly, which is usually published on the 15th of the month, includes data for the previous month. The publication presents price indices by various base periods and chaining coefficients (main indices), on the following subjects: Consumer Price Index;  Producer Price Index - Manufacturing Output for the Domestic Market; Producer Price Index - Manufacturing for Exports; Producer Price Index for Services (SPPI); Price Index of Input in Residential Building; Price Index of Input in Commercial and Office Building; Price Index of Input in Road Construction and Bridging; Price Index of Input in Agriculture; Price Index of Input in Buses; Price Index of Input in Public Van Services</p> | | | GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0c | CBS Site > Publications > Madad > Producer Price Indices for Services (SPPI) - December 2024
שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום
קישור לדף המקורי בלמס | 2025-01-15T16:27:00Z | 2025-01-15T14:10:30Z | 2025-01-15T16:27:00Z | Price Statistics Monthly | |
Agricultural Statistics Quarterly, July-September 2024 | <p dir="ltr" style="text-align:left;"><span class="ms-rteFontFace-5" style="font-size:12pt;"><span style="text-align:right;color:#444444;text-transform:none;text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;word-spacing:0px;float:none;display:inline !important;white-space:normal;orphans:2;widows:2;text-decoration-style:initial;text-decoration-color:initial;">The Quarterly includes data on the marketing and export of the main agricultural products <span class="ms-rteFontFace-5" style="line-height:107%;font-size:12pt;"><font color="#000000">–</font></span> quantities and values, divided into field crops and vegetables, citrus fruits, other fruits and livestock, including average consumer prices. In addition, data on inputs in agriculture are presented. The Quarterly is published at the beginning of the quarter and refers to the quarter beginning six months prior to the quarter in which it is publish</span><span style="text-align:right;color:#444444;text-transform:none;text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;font-style:normal;font-weight:400;word-spacing:0px;float:none;display:inline !important;white-space:normal;orphans:2;widows:2;text-decoration-style:initial;text-decoration-color:initial;">ed.</span></span></p> | | | GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0c | CBS Site > Publications > Agricultural Statistics Quarterly, July-September 2024
שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום
קישור לדף המקורי בלמס | 2024-07-01T14:00:00Z | 2025-01-16T05:49:15Z | 2025-01-13T22:00:00Z | | |
Characterization and Classification of Geographical Units by the Socio-Economic Level of the Population 2021 | <div class="ms-rtedir" dir="ltr"><p style="text-align:left;">This publication presents findings of a study on characterization and ranking of various geographical units in Israel by the socio-economic level of the population in 2021. The analysis focused on three types of geographical units: local authorities, localities within the regional councils, and statistical areas within the municipalities and local councils.</p><p style="text-align:left;">The analysis of local authorities included 201 municipalities and local councils, and 54 regional councils. The data sources for 2021 were numerous: The Central Bureau of Statistics, the National Insurance Institute, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety, and the Population and Immigration Authority. The study was based on multivariate analysis of demographic, social and economic characteristics calculated from these administrative sources for the population residing in the geographical units. Factor analysis was conducted to derive an index (continuous value) that reflected the socio-economic level of the population. Afterwards, the cluster analysis was carried out to classify the local authorities into 10 homogeneous groups based on the socio-economic index of their population.</p><p style="text-align:left;">The socio-economic index for 996 localities within the regional councils and for 1,641 statistical areas within 81 municipalities and local councils was based on the same data from administrative sources as the data used for the computation of the socio-economic index for the local authorities. An index value and classification to cluster, that are comparable to those of local authorities, were derived for each locality and for each statistical area. In addition, this publication includes dispersion measures for the local authorities.</p><p style="text-align:left;">The Central Bureau of Statistics hopes that the characterization of geographical units presented in this publication will provide a basis for planning, administration, and research. The socio-economic index is a tool for comparing the levels of populations in geographical units, and can also be helpful in identifying prosperous and poor regions. In addition, the index can contribute toward improving government policies for local authorities.</p></div> | | | GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0c | קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום
קישור לדף המקורי בלמס This publication presents findings of a study on characterization and ranking of various geographical units in | 2020-12-31T22:00:00Z | 2025-01-09T07:22:48Z | 2025-01-08T22:00:00Z | | |
Macro-Economic Statistics Quarterly, July-September 2024 | <div class="ms-rtedir" dir="ltr"><p>The Macro-Economic Quarterly includes data on National Accounts, Balance of Payments and Foreign Trade.</p><p>Original data: For most of the series the bulletin presents quarterly and annual data. For the series in chapter "Foreign Trade" monthly and annual data are presented.</p><p>Seasonally adjusted data are calculated by adjusting the original data for the influence of seasonality and festival and trading days. The seasonally adjusted data are estimated using the X-12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment method that was developed by the U.S. Census Bureau, and by a procedure developed at the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) for the simultaneous estimation of the moving Jewish festival dates and the number of trading days effects in Israel.</p><p>Trend data are estimated by removing the irregular influences (noise) from the seasonally adjusted data.</p><p>Seasonally adjusted and trend data are subject to revisions since they are calculated anew, each month or quarter.</p></div> | | | GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0c | CBS Site > Publications > Macro-Economic Statistics Quarterly, July-September 2024
שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום
קישור לדף המקורי בלמס | 2024-09-30T21:00:00Z | 2025-01-09T10:36:13Z | 2025-01-08T22:00:00Z | | |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation and the Net Capital Stock by Industry, 1995–2023 | <p style="text-align:left;"></p><p style="text-align:left;">In this publication, the Central Bureau of Statistics presents annual estimates of gross fixed capital formation and net capital stock. These updated data are presented by type of asset and by industry for 1995–2023. Data on gross fixed capital formation and capital stock for relatively short periods appear annually in the CBS's regular publications.</p><p style="text-align:left;">The chapter Main Findings presents a review of the development of capital formation in the Israeli economy, and includes a multi-year presentation by industry and by asset combined. This combined presentation is also shown for the data on net capital stock.</p><p style="text-align:left;">The data are presented at current and constant prices (chained at 2015 prices). The quantity changes were also calculated.<br></p><p style="text-align:left;"><br></p> | | | GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0c | CBS Site > Publications > Gross Fixed Capital Formation and the Net Capital Stock by Industry, 1995–2023
שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום
קישור לדף המקורי בלמס | 2025-01-04T22:00:00Z | 2025-01-05T10:00:13Z | 2025-01-04T22:00:00Z | | |