14 December 2020
Written by David Piness*
For more information please contact the Statistics Information Center, at 02-6592666 or info@cbs.gov.il


In 2019, approximately 820 invention disclosure reports were submitted by the researchers of the various universities and R&D institutions for examination by the commercialization companies; a decrease of 19% compared with the previous year. About 549 of the reports were submitted to companies associated with the universities, a decrease of 13% compared with 2018.

Commercialization companies filed 661 original patent applications in 2019, compared with 644 in 2018, an increase of 3%.

In 2019, 666 original patent applications were approved, compared with 467 in 2018, an increase of 43%.

In 2019, commercialization companies were involved in the establishment of 79 startup companies; 54% of them were established by companies associated with the universities.

The revenue from sales of intellectual property and gross royalties amounted to NIS 1.556 billion in 2018, compared to NIS 2.007 billion in 2017, a decrease of 22%; 91% of the revenue were from the companies associated with universities.

A standardized international comparison for 2017 shows that the standardized figure for intellectual property revenue in Israel is higher than in Australia.



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