30 December 2021

For more information please contact the Statistics Information Center, at 02-6592666 or info@cbs.gov.il


According to Central Bureau of Statistics estimates

On 31 December, 2021, Israel's population is estimated at 9,449,000 residents.

6,982,000 are Jews (73.9% of the total population), 1,995,000 - Arabs (21.1%) and 472,000 Others (5.0%).

During 2021, Israel's population increased by 1.7%. 83% of the increase was due to natural growth and 17% was from the international migration balance.

During the year, approximately 184,000 infants were born (73.8% born to Jewish mothers, 23.4% to Arab mothers and 2.8% to mothers of Others).

Approximately 25,000 new immigrants arrived in Israel during 2021 as well as approximately 9,000 other migrants (returning citizens and persons who immigrated under the Entry Law).



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