21 January 2024
Written by Yaron Marcus, Field Foreign Trade
For more information please contact the Statistics Information Center, at 02-6592666 or info@cbs.gov.il


Foreign Trade in 2023 compared with 2022

The countries to which exports of goods (excluding diamonds) from Israel had the largest increases were: Morocco, Egypt, Hungary, Romania, Uruguay, Lithuania, Hong Kong and Poland. In contrast, the countries with the largest decreases were: Malaysia, Albania, Taiwan, France, Turkey, Canada and United Kingdom.

The countries from which exports of goods (excluding diamonds) to Israel had the largest decreases were: Paraguay, Norway, Russian Federation, Uruguay and Brazil. In contrast, the countries with the largest increases were: Namibia, Zambia, South Africa, Philippines and United Arab Emirates.

The countries with which Israel had the largest trade surpluses (excluding diamonds) were: USA, Ireland, Brazil, India, Slovenia and Cyprus.The countries with which Israel had the largest trade deficits (excluding diamonds) were: China, Switzerland, Germany, Turkey and Italy.

Trend data in October – December 2023

Exports of goods to the European Countries decreased by 9.7%.

Imports of goods from the EU Countries decreased by 12.8%.



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