General Government Accounts – GFS Framework, 2006–2022<div class="ms-rtedir" dir="ltr"><p>The publication presents tables with detailed data on the revenue and expenditures of the general government sector. The general government sector includes government ministries, the National Insurance Institute, the national institutions, local authorities, and non-profit institutions that receive most of their funding from the government.</p><p>The publication includes updated data for the period 2006–2022, which are calculated and presented according to the definitions and guidelines of the Government Finance Statistics (GFS) framework established by the International Monetary Fund.</p><p>The data are presented separately for each unit of the above-mentioned general government sector, as well as in consolidated form for the entire sector.</p><p>The data presented in this publication include information on&#58; types of revenue and expenditure in the general government sector, and their relative share of total revenue and expenditures; the share of the general government sector units in the financial activity of the government; and the distribution of government resources, as well as developments in the government deficit (as defined by the International Monetary Fund).</p><p>The general government sector accounts in the GFS framework are calculated yearly at the Central Bureau of Statistics for the purpose of reporting to the International Monetary Fund, which publishes the data in the GFS Yearbook together with data on most countries in the world.</p><p>In this publication of the CBS, the accounting system is presented as a parallel system that supplements the account of the general government sector in the SNA, which is presented regularly as part of the national accounts. In addition, the publication presents international comparisons for the main variables in the GFS framework.</p><p>I would like to thank all of the institutions, public organizations, and different units of the Central Bureau of Statistics that co-operated in the preparation and transmission of data used for this publication.</p></div>GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0cCBS Site > Publications > General Government Accounts – GFS Framework, 2006–2022 שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום קישור לדף המקורי בלמס I would like to thank all of 2005-12-31T22:00:00Z2024-04-17T12:35:21Z2024-04-16T21:00:00Z
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics - April 2024<div class="ms-rtedir" dir="ltr"><p>This monthly publication presents data on a variety of topics&#58; Climate;&#160;Population; Health; Tourism and Accommodation Services; Immigration and International Migration; National Accounts; Balance of Payments; Foreign Trade; Financial and Capital Markets; Prices; Labour Market; Agriculture; Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying; Construction; Housing and Real Estate; Business; Transport and Road Safety; Crime and Justice. Most of the series in the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics present monthly data. Quarterly data are presented in some of the series, for which the CBS does not have monthly data.</p><p><strong>The order of chapters and tables in the Monthly Bulletin was changed beginning in the Bulletin of August 2023.</strong></p><p>In addition, tables were added to the Tourism and Accommodation Services chapter (previously&#58; Business and Accommodation Services), and the table Claims for Unemployment Benefit Submitted to the National Insurance Institute was removed from the Labour and Wages chapter</p><p><strong>For your convenience, the tables are added to the website gradually as the data become available, until the publication is complete 05/05/24.</strong></p></div>GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0cCBS Site > Publications > Monthly Bulletin of Statistics - April 2024 שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום קישור לדף המקורי בלמס Most of the series in the Monthly 2024-03-31T21:00:00Z2024-04-16T10:42:40Z2024-04-15T21:00:00Z
Consumer Prices Index - March 2024<p>Price Statistics Monthly, which is usually published on the 15th of the month, includes data for the previous month. The publication presents price indices by various base periods and chaining coefficients (main indices), on the following subjects&#58; Consumer Price Index;&#160; Producer Price Index - Manufacturing Output for the Domestic Market; Producer Price Index - Manufacturing for Exports; Producer Price Index for Services (SPPI); Price Index of Input in Residential Building; Price Index of Input in Commercial and Office Building; Price Index of Input in Road Construction and Bridging; Price Index of Input in Agriculture; Price Index of Input in Buses; Price Index of Input in Public Van Services</p>GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0cCBS Site > Publications > Madad > Consumer Prices Index - March 2024 שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום קישור לדף המקורי בלמס Indices by Various Base Periods and 2024-04-15T15:29:00Z2024-04-15T15:23:41Z2024-04-15T15:29:00ZPrice Statistics Monthly
Expenditure on Environmental Protection in Manufacturing and Electricity Industries 2020<div class="ms-rtedir" dir="ltr"><p>​</p><p>This publication presents data about the expenditure on environmental protection in the Manufacturing and Electricity industries in Israel. These industries have an important impact on the economy as well as on the environment.</p><p>The publication aims to present estimates of the expenditure in Manufacturing and Electricity on environmental protection, for purposes of the formulation of environmental policy, for the business sector, academic institutions, and international organizations (such as the OECD<a href="file&#58;///F&#58;/webpublication_4/1901/word/prefac_e.docx"><span style="text-decoration&#58;underline;"><font color="#0066cc">[1]</font></span></a>).</p><p>The data in this publication relate to the expenditures of businesses on environmental protection activities in 2020. The main purpose of these activities is to deal with environmental issues or prevent harm to the environment (e.g., the construction of wastewater treatment plants, maintenance of chimneys, and payments for the removal of waste). The data in the publication are classified by the various divisions of the Manufacturing and Electricity industries, according to the CBS's Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities 2011 classifications<a href="file&#58;///F&#58;/webpublication_4/1901/word/prefac_e.docx"><span style="text-decoration&#58;underline;"><font color="#0066cc">[2]</font></span></a> and the classifications used in OECD publications. Additionally, the data are classified by the environmental effects domain in which the activity is carried out (wastewater, waste, etc.), by type of expenditure (investment or current expenditure) and by the type of technology (end-of-pipe solutions or clean technology).</p><p>This is the sixth publication dealing with expenditure on environmental protection in Manufacture (the previous publications presented data for 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2017). Data regarding expenditure on environmental protection for the public sector (investments and current expenditures of the government, local authorities and non-profit institutions) are published each year (Table 22.1 in the Statistical Abstract of Israel on the CBS website). The data in this publication are based on a designated survey conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics, which was carried out in accordance with international methodology (Eurostat,<a href="file&#58;///F&#58;/webpublication_4/1901/word/prefac_e.docx"><span style="text-decoration&#58;underline;"><font color="#0066cc">[3]</font></span></a> OECD) and adjusted for Israel.</p><p>We would like to thank the businesses that took part in the survey and enabled us to produce this information.</p><p><br>&#160;</p><p style="text-align&#58;left;"><a href="file&#58;///F&#58;/webpublication_4/1901/word/prefac_e.docx"><span style="text-decoration&#58;underline;"><font color="#0066cc">[1]</font></span></a>&#160;&#160; OECD – The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, an international organization of which Israel is a full member. This organization serves, among other functions, as a source of statistical, economic, and social data in accordance with uniform standards that enable comparison. The organization's databases cover a wide variety of topics, including environmental issues.</p><p style="text-align&#58;left;"><a href="file&#58;///F&#58;/webpublication_4/1901/word/prefac_e.docx"><span style="text-decoration&#58;underline;"><sup><font color="#0066cc" size="2">[2]</font></sup></span></a><font size="2"><sup> </sup><sup>&#160;&#160; </sup></font>See&#58; Central Bureau of Statistics (2012). Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities 2011. Technical Publication No. 80. Jerusalem.</p><p style="text-align&#58;left;"><a href="file&#58;///F&#58;/webpublication_4/1901/word/prefac_e.docx"><span style="text-decoration&#58;underline;"><font color="#0066cc">[3]</font></span></a>&#160;&#160; Eurostat – the statistical organization of the European Union.<span></span></p></div>GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0cCBS Site > Publications > Expenditure on Environmental Protection in Manufacturing and Electricity Industries 2020 שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום קישור לדף 2019-12-31T22:00:00Z2024-04-11T07:42:48Z2024-04-10T21:00:00Z
The Agricultural Census 2017<p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;"><table width="100%" class="ms-rteTable-0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr class="ms-rteTableEvenRow-0"><td class="ms-rteTableEvenCol-0" style="width&#58;100%;"><a href="/he/publications/DocLib/2024/1906_agriculture_census_2017/e_print.pdf"><img align="right" alt="The Agricultural Census 2017" src="/he/publications/PublishingImages/Pages/Forms/EditForm/ag_e.jpg" style="margin&#58;0px;border&#58;1px solid currentcolor;" /></a>​</td></tr></tbody></table><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) is pleased to present to the public a selection of data from the Agricultural Census 2017. The data were collected in 2018–2019. This was the fourth agricultural census conducted in the State of Israel. Previous agricultural censuses were conducted in the years 1949–1950, 1971, and 1981. Additionally, a comprehensive survey was conducted in 1995. Thus, there has not been a comprehensive agricultural census in Israel for close to 40 years.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">The Agricultural Census is intended to provide an up-to-date and reliable snapshot of agriculture and the structure of the agricultural farm in Israel following the changes that have taken place in agriculture in recent decades. Its planning was by a steering committee that included representatives from government ministries, academia, and the farmers' organizations.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">The steering committee that advised the census selected the topics to be investigated, relying on international requirements, previous censuses and surveys, as well as the needs of consumers of information on agricultural statistics in Israel.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">The topics of investigation included information about the agricultural areas, how they are cultivated, water usage, and the use of other inputs in agriculture, such as labour, fertilizers, and pesticides; information on the types of crops and cultivation methods; characterization of the structure of the agricultural farms; and describing their economic activity.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">The findings of the Census are intended to provide a comprehensive picture of various aspects of the agricultural sector in Israel&#58; detailed information on agricultural farms, including the number of active agricultural farms in Israel by type of activity, and estimating the sizes of agricultural areas and livestock farms. The Census findings will also be used in the creation of a database for surveys on various topics&#58; use of pesticides and fertilizers by type of crop, soil conservation, etc. In addition, the Census findings will serve in improving knowledge for agricultural research purposes, and in adapting the work of the CBS to accepted international standards.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">The Census population included all agricultural farms throughout the country that produced agricultural output in 2017&#58; kibbutzim and collective moshavim; private agricultural farms on moshavim, in other agricultural localities, and in urban localities in the Jewish sector; private farms in the Arab sector; agricultural companies; individual private farms; and agricultural schools.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">The Census covered the agricultural activities of crops, livestock, and aquaculture. The enumeration frame was based on the integration of information from a variety of sources, including the Ministry of Agriculture, farmers' organizations, water associations, and the CBS's Business Register.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">The Agricultural Census 2017 was conducted using the classical census approach. Because no register of farmers existed in Israel before the census, and the most recent census was conducted in 1981, the approach was to collect all available farm lists from all available sources and merge them into a comprehensive census framework. The data were collected through integration of sources, including the Internet, telephone and face-to-face interviews.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">Our thanks are extended to all those who helped the CBS during this complex project, first and foremost to the members of the steering committee, headed by Prof. Eyal Kimchi, who advised the Census project from the planning stages to the end of the enumeration. Thanks are also extended to the farmers' organizations for their support and help with dissemination of the information, as well as to the owners of the agricultural farms, who dedicated their time and provided the required data.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">In addition, the CBS is grateful to Professor Danny Pfefferman, the former National Statistician; to Tali Tal, former director of the Senior Department of Infrastructure-Economic Statistics; and to the dedicated employees who took part in the work on the Census, from these units&#58; the Senior Department of Surveys, including the headquarters units and the telephone and field interviewers; the Senior Department of Statistical Methodology; the Senior Department of Information Technology; and the Media Relations and Communications Department.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">Special thanks to the staff of the Agriculture, Environment, and Energy Senior Sector in the Senior Department of Infrastructure-Economic Statistics, headed by Dr. Moshe Yanai, who initiated, mentored, and facilitated all stages of the Census.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">This publication appears at the beginning of 2024. In recent months, agricultural farms in Israel have been facing many difficulties arising from the security situation. </p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">The Agricultural Census underlines the great value of the agriculture industry in Israel and its contribution to the country over the years.<br></p>GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0cCBS Site > Publications > The Agricultural Census 2017 שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום קישור לדף המקורי בלמס The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) is pleased to 2016-12-31T22:00:00Z2024-04-18T09:51:55Z2024-04-09T21:00:00Z
Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying Survey, 2020<p style="text-align&#58;left;">​In this publication, we present detailed results from the 2020&#160;Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying Survey. The survey covers all of the Manufacturing establishments in Israel (excluding the Diamonds industry). The survey is an important source of statistical data on manufacturing, and provides a basis for examining the development of manufacturing in Israel.<br></p><p style="text-align&#58;left;">The 2020​ Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying Survey was based on a sample drawn from the Business Register of the Central Bureau of Statistics that included all industries in the business sector. The sample included all dealers belonging to the business sector, including dealers with employees as well as self-employed dealers.</p><p style="text-align&#58;left;">Data are also presented in this publication on the Electricity and Water Supply industries, as well as Sewage and Waste Management.</p><p style="text-align&#58;left;">Data on all industries in the economy are presented separately in the publication Survey of Industries 2020, published by the CBS.</p><p style="text-align&#58;left;">In this publication, the data are presented on a variety of topics, e.g., employment and compensation for jobs, revenue, output, gross value added, consumption of materials, inventory, balance sheet data, and gross capital formation. The data are presented by industry, sector, district, sub-district, and selected localities, as well as by size groups (number of jobs in an establishment and annual revenue). In addition, data are presented on the Manufacturing industries by technological intensity.​<br></p>GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0cCBS Site > Publications > Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrying Survey, 2020 שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום קישור לדף המקורי בלמס The survey covers all of the 2024-04-06T21:00:00Z2024-04-10T09:12:02Z2024-04-06T21:00:00Z
Agricultural Statistics Quarterly, October-December 2023<p>The Quarterly includes data on the marketing and export of the main agricultural products - quantities and values, divided into field crops and vegetables, citrus fruits, other fruits and livestock, including average consumer prices. In addition, data on inputs in agriculture are presented. The Quarterly is published at the beginning of the quarter and refers to the quarter beginning six months prior to the quarter in which&#160;it is published.</p>GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0cCBS Site > Publications > Agricultural Statistics Quarterly, October-December 2023 שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום קישור לדף המקורי בלמס 2023-09-30T21:00:00Z2024-04-04T13:10:47Z2024-04-03T21:00:00Z
General Government Sector Accounts 2000–2022<p>This publication presents a set of tables and diagrams along with detailed data on the revenue and expenditure of the general government sector, which includes the government ministries, the National Insurance Institute, local authorities, national institutions and non-profit institutions where the major share of funding is provided by the government.<br>The publication presents updated data for the years 2000–2022, which were calculated and displayed according to current international definitions and guidelines.<br>The data in this publication indicate, inter alia, the share of the general government in the domestic product, distribution of government resources, types of revenue and expenditures and their relative share in the total, and the extent of the government deficit, as well as quantitative changes in the total government consumption expenditure and its components.<br>I would like to thank all of the institutions and public organizations, as well as the units of the Central Bureau of Statistics that participated in the preparation and submitting the data required for this publication.</p>GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0cCBS Site > Publications > General Government Sector Accounts 2000–2022 שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום קישור לדף המקורי בלמס This publication presents a set of 2021-12-31T22:00:00Z2024-04-02T13:19:27Z2024-04-01T21:00:00Z
Retired and contented. Really? Pension replacement rate and the influencing factors<p style="text-align&#58;left;">​The replacement rate between pension allowance and salary pre-retirement is a very important measure for examining existing and desired policy on the pension issue. While the existing literature refers to the replacement rate as calculated mainly on the basis of theoretical models, the current research is innovative in that the replacement rate is actually measured and analyzed, based on the employer-employee data. For employees who retired and started receiving a pension allowance in 2019, it was found that the gross replacement rate is on average 0.41, with a lower median (0.39). When the net ratio is calculated, the average increases to 0.44 and the median to 0.43; here, the policy of tax relief for pensioners can be identified. The replacement rate is inversely related to the salary before retirement, with a large variance, mainly between the sexes. It is clear that the National Insurance pension raises this ratio, up to the point of doubling it for the weak populations, thereby implementing its goal of providing this basic level of economic and social security. In addition, in order to provide a better understanding of the significance of the replacement rate and the values that were measured for it, this paper presents a comprehensive overview of the state of pensions in Israel, the extent of pension coverage, the size of the actual pension provisions and employees' pension allowances.<br></p><p style="text-align&#58;left;">The results of this research are of great importance. First, from an applied perspective, this work provides a deeper understanding of the pension data in the rich employer-employee database and its potential for statistical production. Also, the findings can serve as a basis for testing the effectiveness of policy planning in the area of pensions. In addition, the replacement rate calculated in practice can help in examining the level of accuracy of the theoretical models and their fit while also considering small population groups.</p><p style="text-align&#58;left;">Keywords&#58; pension allowance, replacement rate, pension provisions, employee​<br></p>GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0cCBS Site > Publications > Retired and contented קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום קישור לדף המקורי בלמס The replacement rate between pension allowance and salary 2024-03-30T21:00:00Z2024-03-31T13:34:15Z2024-03-30T21:00:00ZWorking Paper - No.128GP0|#d9d2d180-2669-480b-93fa-b5f7664f96ad;L0|#0d9d2d180-2669-480b-93fa-b5f7664f96ad|ניירות עבודה;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#0261e421-3cfe-478e-8f65-feef6c3858db
Labour Force Survey 2022<p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">The Labour Force Survey is a major survey conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics among households. The survey follows developments in the labour force in Israel, its size and characteristics, as well as the extent of unemployment, and more. The publication contains detailed data on labour force characteristics by age, sex, years of schooling, type of school last attended, data on immigrants of 1990 and after, etc. The survey serves to collect statistical data on living conditions, mobility in employment, and many other topics.</p><p dir="ltr" style="text-align&#58;left;">Five more new tables (2.59–2.63), along with the remainder of the publication, will be uploaded to the website at a later time.</p>GP0|#4b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b;L0|#04b039f66-8604-4a7c-b6a6-7a823a6cbb9b|פרסום;GTSet|#e47c1fe2-d624-4b76-8e50-17849740b8e6;GPP|#7c63741d-fa30-4178-af1a-93e359abad0cCBS Site > Publications > Labour Force Survey 2022 שתפו קישור לספריה של הקבצים המצורפים של הפרסום קישור לדף המקורי בלמס The Labour Force Survey is a major survey conducted by the 2021-12-31T22:00:00Z2024-04-01T10:00:58Z2024-03-30T21:00:00Z