05 December 2018

for more details statistics center 02-6592666 info@cbs.gov.il


This publication presents findings, accompanied by tables and diagrams, on the national expenditure on culture, entertainment and sports for the period 1984/85 to 2017. Based on the collected data, it is possible to examine the increase in this expenditure over the surveyed years, in order to ascertain what share of the increase was at constant prices, and what share can be attributed to increases in the prices of the services. The publication also presents data relating to the amount of resources allocated to those services, by type of activity and financing sector, as well as by the sector that provided the services.

Previous findings on this topic were presented in Publication No. 1705, published by the CBS.[1]

The Central Bureau of Statistics wishes to thank all of those who assisted in this project – the institutions that cooperated in supplying the requested data; our colleagues in the respective government ministries, who provided constructive comments during the process of formulating the definitions and classifications; and the Ministry of Education, which helped finance the project.


[1] CBS (2018). National Expenditure on Culture, Entertainment and Sport 1984/85–2016. Publication No. 1705. Jerusalem: Author.



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