04 February 2024

For more information please contact the Statistics Information Center, at 02-6592666 or info@cbs.gov.il


The following publication presents data on output and input in agriculture in 2021. This publication, like previous annual publications on the topic, includes main findings on output, input, and product in agriculture, as well as on income originating in agriculture in 2020–2021. In addition, data are presented on changes in the terms of trade in agriculture that result from fluctuations in the prices of output and input in agriculture.

In addition to data from 2020–2021, the publication includes multi-year data that reflect the developments in the industry between 1950 and 2021.

The publication is used by government ministries – mainly the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, by the Association of Farmers in Israel, by researchers in the field of agriculture, as well as by the Research Department of the Bank of Israel. It provides updated information on developments in the various industries of agriculture and in marketing destinations, for the purpose of policy-making.

The data in this publication were derived from analyses conducted at the Central Bureau of Statistics, based on information obtained from various sources. Selected data on this topic also appear in the chapter on agriculture in the Statistical Abstract of Israel, and in the Agricultural Statistics Quarterly.



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ISSN 1565-9402
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