The questionnaire is constructed from several parts, with each part dealing with another subject. Following is a list of the parts:
A. List of people residing in the dwelling and the relationships among them - names of tenants, relationships, additional addresses.
B. Identifying details and demographic data - sex, age, I.D. number, country of birth, marital status, marriages, births.
C. Period of residence in the dwelling and in the locality - date of entry into the dwelling and the locality, residential address from 5 years before.
D. Daily functioning - level of difficulty in performing daily activities.
E. Education and work -
Education - number of years of schooling, type of schools, highest certificate received.
Work - extent of work, type of work, details of place of work, means of getting to work.
F. Income - household income not from work.
G. Living conditions - number of rooms, ownership of dwelling, durable goods available for the use of the household.
Following is a detailed explanation of why questions are presented on the various subjects appearing in the questionnaire: